My photography focuses on architecture, interiors, and ephemeral design. 
I am based in Barcelona, Spain and work both locally and abroad. 
Please do not hesitate to contact me - I would be delighted to collaborate with you! | +34 637 129 249


2023 | RCR International Photography Workshop run by Hisao Suzuki and RCR Architects. Olot, Spain.
2023 | Participant of the exhibition (finalist works) of the International Photography Award "SANTIAGO CASTELO" (VI edition) organized by the UNESCO Center of Extremadura. National Museum Machado de Castro, Coimbra, Portugal.
2022 | Participant of the exhibition (finalist works) of the International Photography Award "SANTIAGO CASTELO" (VI edition) organized by the UNESCO Center of Extremadura. Cáceres Museum, Cáceres, Spain.
2021 | Participant of the exhibition (finalist works) of the Inner Outlook contest organized by Boom and Manfrotto. Boom Factory, Milan, Italy 
2020 | Participant of the exhibition (finalist works) ''Desde mi balcón'' organized by PHotoESPAÑA. Ciutadella Parc, Barcelona, Spain. 
2019 | 1st prize in the International Competition of Photography in Artificial Light (5th edition). Barcelona, Spain. 
2017 - 2018 | IEFC Institut d’Estudis Fotogràfics de 
                      Catalunya, Barcelona. Creative photography Postgraduate Degree
"City, a possible portrait"
2017 | IEFC Institut d’Estudis Fotogràfics de Catalunya, Barcelona. Postgraduate Degree in Architecture and Interiors Photography
2017 | Architectural photography workshop "Looking at Architecture: Three Works by Álvaro Siza in Tras-os-Montes."  run by Duccio Malagamba. Tras-os-Montes, Portugal.
2016 | Starts his first assignments as a an architectural photographer.
2015 | International Center of Photography, New York. Photography workshop run by Bastienne Shmidt. Hamptons, USA.
2014 Domaine de Boisbuchet, France. Product design workshop "Plastic" run by Peter Marigold.
2011 | Moves to Barcelona, Spain. Begins working in architectural and ephemeral design studios.
2010 Diploma at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, Faculty of Interior Architecture.
2009 UPV/EHU, Bilbao, Spain. Faculty of Fine Arts. Socrates/Erasmsus Programme.
2005 - 2010 | Studies at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, Poland. Faculty of Interior Architecture.
 1985 | Born in Opole, Poland.
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